Research Infrastructures

The ICT and 4CT and 4.0 Research Infrastructures, pertaining to the Pole and addressed and managed by SIIT, are part of theMultidomain Research Infrastructure, set up in collaboration with the University of Genoa – Savona Pole, benefiting from ERDF funding – action 1.5.1 – “Support to research infrastructures considered critical / crucial for regional systems “.

I.R. ICT and 4.0 are joined each by about fifteen entities, mostly SMEs in the regional territory, in addition to the University of Genoa and SIIT itself.


ICT addresses various macro-areas of interest, within which members express significant know-how and develop projects of great interest

  • Monitoring, forecasting and prevention of natural disasters: support decision systems for emergency management, river and marine forecasting, aerial and satellite image processing, risk assessment and management;
  • Monitoring of critical infrastructures: automatic detection of anomalies from images, situational awareness and early warning systems, diagnosis of infrastructures through satellite images, maintenance planning systems;
  • Protection of the environment and workers: crowd management, assessment of vulnerability from attacks and natural disasters, worker safety systems in complex industrial environments, wearable sensors
  • Cybersecurity in physical and virtualized infrastructures, 5G vertical applications


4.0 addresses the following macro-areas of interest

  • Automation: robotics, augmented reality. Cloud computing, IoT, smart grids
  • Industry 4.0: predictive maintenance, process optimization, smart machines, energy efficiency, artificial intelligence, physical cyber-security


The Pole’s activities are focused on technology transfer between academic and industrial fields.


Innovative research and development projects, on which companies and research institutions operate.